What is TC Login? |
- Using TC Login you gain access to your TC Desktop (your programs) from any
computer with an internet connection.
- If your computer is located in a network with direct connection to TC (most TC
customers are), you can just login with your username and password.
- If your computer is located on the internet, like your home or in a hotel, your
user account needs to be connected to a RSA-token.
What do I need? |
- Citrix ICA Client
- Username and password from TeleComputing
- When connecting from the internet, an RSA token.
Userguides |
Software downloads |
Download of Citrix client
VPN client for Windows 95, 98, Millenium, 2000 and XP
VPN client for Windows Vista Symantec Enterprise Vault Local Outlook Add-inn
Lync client
Trend Micro Anti-Virus
Feedback | About | Usage
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